40 Stone Textures
PRODROP™ Volume 8 comes fully loaded with 40 stone textures, 3 presets per style, giving you a total of 120 preset that makes creating that stone cave trailer you’ve always wanted to create a reality. From sand stone to brick, we consulted with industry leading geologists to create each image to create realistic stone templates. Okay, so I admit it. That last statement wasn’t true, but the textures are so realistic you will think that we consult a geologist. Endless Hollywood professional stone texture and text styles with the drag and drop of a mouse in Final Cut Pro X. With easy to use controls and parameters, the sky is the limit with PRODROP™ Volume 8 from Pixel Film Studios™.

Realistic Stone Textures
With PRODROP™ Volume 8, From sand stone to brick textures, we consulted with industry leading geologists to create each image to create realistic stone templates. If you didn’t read the above description then I’m just going to go with it. With years of study and attention to fine detail, each crack and crevasse has been computer generated and perfectly calculated to create the most realistic stone textures you’ve ever seen. These textures are so real they make real sand stone look fake. Okay, so I admit that most of the statements that I just said in the last two sentences were untrue. The truth is, you get epic options to create the professional Hollywood look and feel stone texture and text that you’ve always wanted.

Environment Controls
With PRODROP™ Volume 8 from Pixel Film Studios™, there are so many options to choose from to customize your backdrop. The controls are separated in three separate categories. Background controls, lighting controls, and text controls. with background controls you can tilt the stone backdrop to give a different perspective, speed up or slow down the animation of the texture, and change the direction the wall is moving. With lighting controls, the coolest part about this feature is the “On Screen Controls” If you know how to keyframe inside of FCPX you can animate the light inside of your video to move across the screen. And with Text Controls you have the options to turn on or turn off the text. What makes this feature cools is how the text reacts to the light by casting a shadow on the back wall giving your backdrop perspective.

PRODROP™ Volume 8 was designed by Pixel Film Studios™ to work seamlessly in Final Cut Pro X. As a stone texture background for FCPX, you can simply select the PRODROP™ Volume 8 template you want and use the on-screen controls to rotate the direction of the light. Then you can customize the look of it with the intuitive controls found in the FCPX inspector. Calibrate your video clip to the style that suits your film within minutes!

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